I'm so excited about my latest audio book release! You can enter to win a FREE copy in my giveaway below!
I have several copies to give away, so your chances to win are pretty great!
This story began when my children were quite young. They helped create some of the characters and what the story should be about. This is the first story I ever completed, and its original intent was to entertain my children and their friends, who loved books with fairy-tale creatures and fantasy elements. It's appropriate for ages 8+. Here is the back cover blurb:
Enter a world of fairies, dragons, dwarves, and elves in The Land of Flames, a magical world where possibilities are endless and truth makes a difference.
Ocamar, the villainous dragon king, and his dragon clan, have overtaken The Land of Serenity and everyone in the land is in jeopardy. The only hope seems to be with Rumbleflin, the oldest and wisest of the elves, who plans to lead an army rebellion.
To add to the conflict, Ocamar and Rumbleflin have been harboring secrets from one another for years, and what happens when those secrets are revealed will have a major impact on everyone.
Can an army of fairy-tale creatures defeat a clan of dragons and restore their Land of Serenity?

TK Kellman has over 30 years experience in voice. He is the winner of 17 Regional ADDY Awards for Excellence in Commercial Advertising Production.
You and your children will love to hear him voice the characters in this fantasy. And he adds some awesome sound FX too!