What is a ghillie dhu? A ghillie dhu is a small elf-like fairy.
What do they look like? Ghillie dhu are believed to be a little over a half foot tall with green skin and long, thin arms and fingers. And I must say, their black hair needs some serious brushing!
Where do the ghillie dhu live? In the forests among birch trees.
What do they eat? Nuts and berries.
What kind of clothing do they wear? They make their own clothing out of things in the forest like leaves, moss, and grass.
Why are they not fond of humans? The ghillie dhu are shy creatures, and their main goal is to protect the forest in which they live. They view humans as a threat to nature. Can’t say as I blame them there. They will leave you alone unless you fall into one of their traps or over-step your boundaries.
So are they mean? I think “shy” is the better word, and I think they’re seriously misunderstood creatures.
Why did you include them in your Kingsley stories? I certainly can’t control what creatures are in Kingsley, but I imagine the ghillie dhu flocked there when they discovered the land had no humans in it, and this might be why less and less humans are claiming to have seen one.
Do all of your stories include ghillie dhu? No, just the Kingsley Adventures.