My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I started this book a couple of nights ago, but only made it to 15% before being interrupted. I'm a busy mom. Anyway, my daughter woke at 4a.m. this morning and after I got her back to sleep, I picked up my Kindle and read the last 85%. I'm not a big romance reader, but I think that's because the couple times I've read romance in my past, it wasn't realistic or it was too dirty. This book reminded me of watching "Dawson's Creek" but it was quite clean. It has a mild Christian theme but nothing so preachy that would turn a non-Christian off. Nadia and Paterson go through the same thing that a lot of friends do. This is a light and fun read that is funny in places. It has a happy ending, which I like. In this day and time when television and books are so full of filth, it's nice to see that there are still people who write and appreciate the innocence and purity young relationships should have. And thank goodness there were no references such as "eye candy" and the typical "butterflies in my stomach." I'm so glad this was the first book I read by this author. I'm now an official fan.
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