My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I really really enjoyed this story! I feel like I know the people in the little town of Wakefield, and I can relate to the small town gossip and the feeling that everyone knows your business. I can also relate to doing whatever it takes to protect your children, and sometimes as a mom, I don't always make the best decision, but it's the one I feel is best at that time. I think Addy and Jake were both selfish, but they were young and needed some life experience and growing up to realize what was what. I loved the humor in this book and the realness of the characters. I'm anxious to know what the authors will write about in the next book, but the possibilities are endless since several side-characters were introduced. Great job on this one! If you like clean stories that you'd see on Lifetime or Hallmark if made into a movie, then pick this one up.
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