Besides Brad and his writing being epic, he tagged me on his blog and convinced me to do this blog hop thing. So, I'm supposed to blog about my current work in progress (WIP) by answering the following questions, so here we go...
Title- The Karini and Lamek Chronicles, Book 1 ~ The Land of Flames
Where did the idea come from? Back in 2006, my children were just old enough to get into fantasy, and they were bringing the Scholastic flyers home in their backpacks from school. I realized that I'd always enjoyed writing when I was in school and had always wanted to write my own book, so this story was my first. I am now revising it. It is the first book in a trilogy.
Genre: Fantasy
What actors would play your character in a movie version?
Most of the characters are mythical, so a movie would most likely be computer animated with voice-overs. With that being said, Alan Rickman (SEE PHOTO TO THE RIGHT)
would be my first choice for the voice of Ocamar, the dragon. The voice of Karini, the pink fairy, would be played by Laura Marano.
Lamek’s voice would be John Ross Bowie. Why John Ross Bowie, you wonder? Because when he plays Barry Kripke on the Big Bang Theory, his lisp is perfect for the part of Lamek.
As far as the elves go, they could be played by people. I could see Rumbleflin being played by Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty. I realize Phil is not a movie actor, but he's perfect for the part. All he'd have to do is braid his beard, and he'd be good to go. Well, he'd have to have some pointy ears put on. Hehe... Okay, for Rumpleflin, 16-year-old son of Rumbleflin, I choose Dylan Minnette because he has the perfect look for him. His mother, Nevaeh, a good witch, would be played nicely by Rachel Weisz, who most of you would know from The Mummy.
The rest of the cast I'd have to think about. I've got a lot of characters...
Agency Representation ~ I'm an indie, and I love it!
How long did it take to write the first draft? About a year if I remember correctly. That was back in 2006, and I was still in my 20's... sigh...
Who or what inspired this WIP? My kids inspired this story. They actually helped me name all the characters and helped me start the story. Once I got started, the characters took over. My kids were young at that time. They're teenagers now.
Anything to add? Yes! Check out this young aspiring writer's blog:
Katelyn Marie Shear is only 14 years old, but recently participated in the NaNoWriMo contest and won! She has many books in the works.
Also check out Kristin King, author of Cain's Coven: Begotten Bloods Book One (Volume 1) and Unsinkable Vampire: A Begotten Bloods Novella.